Pediatric Eye Exams
We see children of all ages!
Vision screenings performed by school nurses and pediatricians are helpful but not nearly as complete as a comprehensive eye exam performed by an optometrist. Eye exams are extremely important for children in the detection of focusing difficulties, eye muscle teaming and coordination problems, vision perception abnormalities, and eye disease. Many children having no apparent signs or symptoms present with at times very serious eye or vision conditions. By identifying your child’s problems early, greater success can be achieved with treatment. If left untreated, some eye conditions and diseases may prevent normal visual development leaving permanent impairment. According to the American Optometric Association, infants should have their first comprehensive eye exam by the age of six months. Annual routine exams should begin at age three to monitor for changes.
When scheduling an eye exam for your child, choose a time when he or she is usually alert and in a good mood. Be sure to tell us if your child has a history of delayed motor development, frequent eye rubbing, squinting, or head tipping or turning, fails to maintain eye contact, cannot keep visual fixation on an object, or has poor eye tracking. We will also want to know about previous ocular diagnoses. Make sure to inform us of any family history of eye problems, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, strabismus, amblyopia, or eye diseases.
Don't hesitate to call us and schedule a children's eye exam to make sure your child has the best vision possible!